Saturday, December 20, 2008

Iroquois Faithkeeper....

Today, I received a e-mail from a Chief that I met at the Wolf Den Pow-Wow in Pomfret Center, CT. He was visiting with a vendor named David Littletree. David is Onondaga and Mohawk and we have know each other for about 2 1/2 years. Once I was told that David had his Chief in attendence, I made it an issue for me to approach this Chief and tell him that I was truly honored to be in his presence and that I was third generation Canadian Mohawk, living in the States. We had general conversation for perhaps half an hour, and I returned to my vending booth.

The Chief that I had the opportunity to walk among and talk to, was none other than OREN LYONS! But, I didn't know that at the time. Oren, is a world renown Onondaga Chief and Faith Keeper in the Iroquois Nation.

In his e-mail. he said to me that he enjoyed our meeting and noted my sincerity in my heritage. He continued by saying that the future of the Iroquois people was dependant on people like me. I'm in awe that this great, world renown Native American Onondaga Chief has acknowledged me. for who I am and what I represent.

I certainly do have alot to evaluate during my trek into the wilderness in a few days! I need the guidence of Creator more now than ever.

2008 Memorial Day Parade, North Providence, RI, Native Veteran's

This picture shows Cloud Snake, his wife Gentle Heart and I waiting for the 2008 North Providence, RI Memorial Day Parade to start. Cloud Snake/aka Arturo Lopez is Aztec. His wife Gentle Heart/aka Jessica Lopez is Delaware, and I of course am Mohawk. The Cross on my Kilt, indicates that my ancestors were Praying Mohawk's.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


The Buzzard, The Bat, and The Bumblebee

If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.

The ordinary bat that flies around at night, a remarkable nimble creature in the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air Then, at once, it takes off like a flash.

A bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.

In many ways, we are like the buzzard, the bat, and the bumblebee. We struggle about with all our problems and frustrations, never realizing that all we have to do is look up!

Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up!

Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.

TODAY is Creator's gift, that's why we call it the PRESENT.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Time To Heal.

This is a topic that I have been thinking about for some time, because it bothers me to see people in discord. Who benefits when someone holds a grudge? No one. Everyone has family members, or friends that they don’t get along with at times, but most of the time we can get past that. I still see people who have grudges against a brother or sister, parent,child or perhaps a friend. This means that everyone else in the family or your circle of friends, has to choose sides. How fair is that to them? How fair is that to you?

Forgiveness is a powerful force. The equal to that force is the power not to forgive. You have the power of choice! Even if you don’t believe in Creator, this holiday season would be a good time to make that call or write that letter. Don't miss the chance, that can never be gotten back. Don’t let that happen to you. Remember, we are all brothers and sisters. Don't let a grudge ruin your life's happiness. I’ll take the heat if it doesn’t work out. Tell them Broken Feather sent you.

Meal Of The Day

Would you refuse a hungry child on your doorstep. I was the guest speaker at a gathering of children recently. During the course of the evening, the children were given some boxed juice and a snack. The look and actions by some of the children in attendance, spoke volumes. I could only bring myself to believe that this was the meal of the day, for some of the children. In this day and age how can this happen. What causes a parent to neglect a child in such a way. To be hungry, robs you of your soul. To be hungry is the slow assassination of mankind, but it's especially dispicable when children are involved. Because of that evening, I will always look at a child in my presence and wonder if that child is hungry and what I can do to alleviate their pain.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


A good example of our oneness with mother nature is the fact that we are all one and interdependant with one another. A human exhales carbon dioxide and the trees inhale our wasted breath. The tree takes our waste and regenerates it into oxygen, for the humans to continue their path in life. This is just a basic example of our connectidness to all things. All things have a spirit, and I believe that the spirituality of all things is a part of who we are as Native Americans. In the span of evolution, we are only on the earth for a few short seasons, but it is in the afterlife where we shall flourish.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Forgotten or Neglected Instructions!

When columbus discovered this land, you could drink from all the streams, rivers and lakes. Today that is not possible. The streams are polluted by the residue of the White Man's factories, industries and agricultural practices! Pesticides,waste petroleum fluids, and heavy metals pollute our precious water supplies. Not only do the waters become contaminated, but the fish and marine mammals ingest all this pollution and become contaminated themselves. The White Man simply has never learned to adhere to the Instructions given us by Creator, on how to live on earth in harmony with all things!

Greed is an infliction brought to the new world by the Europeans! If I as a native, discover a blueberry bush bearing fruit, I'll take what I need and leave the rest for others. If a whiteman discovers a blueberry bush he strips it of all its fruit, and has no regard for others.

As early as the 1950's, it has been told by Native American Shaman's that the world as we know it is in peril. I'm begining to see a melt down of the internal infrastructure of this nation, by greedy bankers and wall street investors! Again I say, European's culture of greed is at the bottom of this breakdown in our society, which has lost its way of balance with nature.

We as citizens of the United States of America like to think of ourselves as invincible to the rules of nature. The strongest force on the planet earth is Mother Nature. Just look at tidal waves, hurricanes, volcano activity, blizzards, and other forces of Mother Nature. We are not the masters of Mother Earth. Mother Earth is in charge and we need to be prepared for all the wrath that is being brought unto us in this century!

Unless the status quo changes on this planet, we will cause the distruction of mankind. Earth will survive, but man will destroy civilization as we know it.

Beware, the worst is yet to come!

Edward Broken Feather

Friday, November 28, 2008

Leonard Peltier

The following is an article copied from the Rapid City, SD newspaper. I truly believe that Leonard has been framed by the FBI. I send Leonard a birthday card every year, wishing him the peace and tranquility he deserves! I want to see Leonard a free man, walking on Pine Ridge Reservation lands that he so dearly loves! Story:

Dozens gather to support Peltier at Fargo courthouseFARGO, N.D. -- Dozens of Leonard Peltier's supporters gathered on Friday front of the federal courthouse in Fargo, where he was convicted more than 30 years ago in the execution-style killings of two federal agents. Carrying signs that read, "Don't let Leonard die in prison," and "Peltier is innocent, FBI is guilty," the group heard from Peltier's sister, Betty Ann Peltier-Solano, who read a letter from her brother.For more of this story, click on or type the URL below:

Tiffany's New Jingle Dress

My new friend Jean S------z sent me this photo of the Jingle Dress and leggings she made for Tiffany Janis, the 12 year old daughter of Francine Janis and Chester Sitting Bear. Jean told me that there were days that Tiffany sent several e-mails a day. The cones were made (rolled) by Francine's late sister and shipped to Jean by Francine. I'd love to be in the room when Tiffany opens the box to see her dress for the first time. I'm sure that Tiffany will be the hit of her dance class and at pow-wow's she attends.

Congratulations Jean! I think that you've gained a friend for life! Also a "Wopila Tanka" (Big Special Thanks) for making Tiffany feel special! It's not often that children really feel special on the reservation.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Are You Indian?

Being Indian to me is knowing that my blood is the same blood that generations of Canadian Mohawk and Montagnais had. I like knowing that I am the heir of my ancestors. I am part of the seven generations that they fought for. I like looking at my own face and wondering which ancestor I look most like. My blood is important to me, it is the one thing that any nation or individual can't take away from me. Never for a moment believe that I am not Indian!

Edward Broken Feather

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pocasset Wampanoag Children.....

I got a phone call this afternoon from a Pocasset Wampanoag official, asking me if I would be willing to do a show and tell of some native items that I have in my collection to children of their Tribe. It's going to be on the 12th of December on a Friday night. From 6:30 pm to ? 807 Broad Street in Providence. My reply, was, I'd be delighted to. It's important to instill the proud heritage of all native american's regardless what tribe you're affiliated with into our children of today! I'm also very honored to receive this request, because it means that I have earned the respect of certain Wampanoag Officals, who have judged my words, my deeds and my actions to be honorable. This is a very good day for me!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Plymouth Rock is a Go!

Hi Everyone,

Got formal notification this morning that I'll be setting up as a vendor this coming weekend, on Saturday and Sunday, right beside Plymouth Rock, on Water Street in Plymouth.

It's my last shot of the season to raise money for the Lakota Sioux @ Pine Ridge Reservation. so, I hope people are willing to dig into their pockets and help the Lakota people. The sales venue will be 3 large tents, set up in the Plymouth Rock Memorial Park, right beside the Rock. Weather is projected as being in the middle 30's, so you know, I'll be dressed warm.

If you live in the area, and have nothing better to do, come visit and introduce yourself to me! I'll have lots of decorated baskets to sell and other Native American items.......

May Creator Bless All That You Do!

Broken Feather

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Great Idea........

GREAT IDEA! When writing out your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address. If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these wonderful special people, who have sacrificed so much, would get. When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following:

A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington,D.C. 20307-5001

Monday, November 10, 2008

URGENT need for blankets!

Monday, November 10, 2008

URGENT! Blankets needed BAD!
Word as come in that blankets are in high need on Pine Ridge Reservation, SD. As a result of the most recent Blizzard, there are still a lot of people without electricity, so heaters are not working, and not everyone has a wood stove or fireplace. Please send blankets (good, clean, warm blankets) to the addresses below:

Rosalie Janis
3M North Manderson
PO Box 85
Manderson, SD 57756


John DuBray
Pine Ridge Sioux-Lakota Reservation
Allen, SD, 57714

The Red Cross has been involved in this operation, however they have run out of blankets. The National Guard is air lifting elders with severe medical needs to local hospitals. The One Spirit Organization is heavily involved with people on the reservation, seeing to needs and the delivery of wood, where wood can be burned for heat. One Spirit has posted a dire need for blankets on their blog.
If you are in a position to help Native American's, I simply ask you to alert all your e-mail contacts to this need.

May Creator Bless You and All That You Do!

Edward Broken Feather
Mohawk Elder

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Beautiful Beadwork Medallion

Hello Everyone!

Check out the beautiful beadwork medallion made by Chester Sitting Bear from Pine Ridge Reservation. It's a striking example of Chester's ability to create a masterpiece. The center of the feather is actually a broken porcupine quill ! One amazing fact about Chester, is that he's Color Blind! His wife Francine picks out the color of beads for him.

Anyone interested in having their own medallion made, can contact me, and I'll supply you with Chester's e-mail address. Be forewarned that the Medallions are not cheap! It takes Chester days and days to make a medallion and it's a source of income for his family.

The 2009 Pow-Wow season in New England will begin in May, and I can't wait to display this Medallion with the rest of my Regalia.

Tok 'sa Aka, Lakota for, Until Later.

Broken Feather

Thursday, October 30, 2008

For the 2008 pow-wow season I've displayed beadwork from one specific woman at Pine Ridge. Her name is Francine Janis. She lives with her husband Chester Sitting Bear and their 3 children. Tiffany, Brenda and Casey. She is always thanking me for selling her work. I recently commissioned her husband, (who's a master beader) to make a Medallion for me, which will become a part of my regalia. I'll post a picture of it once I receive it, to show off Chester's expertise at bead work. I'm told it'll be ready for shipping next week. In todays mail I got a very tiny envelope from "Francine. Inside, written very neatly, was a hand written message thanking me for buying the medallion. Francine also included a beautiful family portrait, which is a very special gesture to me. I'm truly honored to get this picture and I'm greatful for doing what little I can to make their life a little easier. You can be certain that I'll be posting more about Francine, Chester and their Family!

Wishing all of you, great health, financial wealth and prosperity!

Broken Feather

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Best Pow-Wow This Season!

Hi folks,

I vended at the Wolf Den Pow-Wow in Pomfret, Ct. this past weekend, and I can say with certainty that it was the best pow-wow of the season. I was able to generate $687.00 for the One Spirit Heater Program. That's 13 heaters! When I emailed Jeri Baker, the Director of One Spirit, how much I raised, she didn't e-mail me back, she called me on the phone! We talked for half an hour about raising funds for the Lakota.

Jeri and I are pretty much against charity, where people give and them pat themselves on the back for doing so. The heaters are charity, but at some point, there won't be a need for heaters, and we can get back to other items of the Lakota becoming self-sufficient. By my vending, I act as a outlet for a couple on Lakota Artists at Pine Ridge. I provide a fair market atmosphere for their goods. I'm very proud to display and sell their beadwork and artwork! It's a pretty good feeling to know I'm a agent for them and that they depend on me to represent them.

One more show to do the weekend before Thanksgiving. It's at Plymouth, MA with 9 other Native Americans. We'll be dressed in Native Regalia and allowed to vend our wares. The tourists like to watch "The Indians" and often spend large sums of money with us. It's almost a tourist attraction itself.
More Later.......

Broken Feather

Monday, October 13, 2008

Larry, Moe & Shirley

You've all seen the picture I had posted of Larry, Moe & Shirley on my AOL Journal.

Well here's another picture taken of them on their feeding station, just outside my Iroquois Long House, on Moose Mountain in Brookfield, NH. They were free to roam without harnesses, but always came running back to me when they heard a strange sound or noise. Notice the half eaten apple to the right. I use to love giving them all kinds of fruits and veggies. They especially loved apples and corn on the cob!

Wolf Den Pow-Wow is on! YAHOO !!!!!!!

I got word today that I've been invited to vend at Wolf's Den Pow-Wow in Pomfret, CT this coming weekend.

I'm really excited about this, because it gives me another chance at raising more funds for One Spirit's Heater Fund, for the Lakota Sioux.

I got word from Jeri Baker, that it snowed @ Pine Ridge this past week! So, the Lakota are starting to worry about the coming winter. Which puts an even greater significance to raising money for the heater fund.

Say a prayer for me that I do well with sales!

Broken Feather

Friday, October 10, 2008

New to

Hi Everyone!

I just switched my AOL Journal to Blogspot and I'm experiancing how to get thinks done here. For some reason, alot of my posted pictures didn't transfer from AOL, so I'm going to try reposting them, along with some others.

I talk about my daughter Renee and my grandchildren Neiko (who is 7) and Kyra who is (4 1/2). So here's a updated picture of them. Everyone comments that Kyra is a spitting image of Jodie Foster, the movie star. What do you think?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Joseph Brant, Mohawk Leader

Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea), Mohawk

"Our wise men are called Fathers, and they truly sustain that character. Do you call yourselves Christians? Does the religion of Him who you call your Savior inspire your spirit, and guide your practices? Surely not.

It is recorded of him that a bruised reed he never broke. Cease then to call yourselves Christians, lest you declare to the world your hypocrisy. Cease too to call other nations savage, when you are tenfold more the children of cruelty than they.

No person among us desires any other reward for performing a brave and worthwhile action, but the consciousness of having served his nation.

I bow to no man for I am considered a prince among my own people. But I will gladly shake your hand."

Joseph Brant to King George III

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One Spirit's New Blog.........

Today, September 13rd., 2008,  One Spirit  Began a online blog:  with the hopes of reaching and holding more peoples attention about the Lakota Sioux peoples living at Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River reservations. We are in the process of recruiting people on the reservations to act as informers, so that this blog will, hopefully be a daily source of up to date news! We hope to have this blog fully up and running within the next few weeks.

We're also looking to get more people and organizations involved. School room classes, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and the like. Perhaps the schools or scouts during the course of the year, will get involved, by adopting a child, elder or even an entire family. Do you know of any organization's looking for a PET project? If so, please have them contact me or send them directly to Jeri Baker at One Spirit. Remember One Spirit is a 501 (c) 3 tax exempt organization. Any funds donated to One Spirit, are completely and legally tax deductible.

Please join with us in spreading the word of this blog about the Lakota Sioux people!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Hi Everybody!

Shortly after hurricane Katrina, I was watching a TV news program, that had a very obese woman, screaming and crying out that she was hungry and hadn't eaten in over a day! The sad part of events taken part that day was that the woman was standing beside a plant that was life sustaining! She was standing beside a plant that would have provided her with life sustaining substanance!

That was then, this is now! In todays enviroment, banks are failing, people are losing their jobs, the price of gasoline is out of control, home forclosures are at an all time high and who knows what else is going to rob you and your family of a decent living! I strongly recommend that everybody go to their local book store and obtain a copy of Bradford Angiers's Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants. Ya, I know this seems like a crazy request, but what do ya do if all else fails and you find yourself out of work, with unemployment benefits expired and no future in sight? You still need to eat,  and this book will provide you with the basic's of survivalism!  I live off of mother earth and this book is my bible! I love to forage for wilderness edible's and the bounty that I get for my effort is based on my searching for them! Mother Earth never did design people to starve to death. If you know what your're looking for, wilderness edibles are everywhere! Before mega marts, our ancestors lived off of the earth and the food stuffs provided by mother earth!  Now is the time to relearn your roots and living well with mother earth! the bottom line is this, Wilderness Edibles Are Free and Everywhere!


Friday, September 5, 2008


Today,  I walked, what I consider to be, hallowed ground of the Wampanoag Nation. I walked the streets of Plimouth, Massachusetts. I walked the ground where Samoset met the Puritans. I walked the ground that King Philip stood upon and defied the ever growing threat to his people by the Pilgrims. Today, I stood at a monument, that told me King Philip was murdered and beheaded. With his head being impaled and displayed for over 20 years. Meanwhile, One of his hands was severed and shipped to England, while the other was also severed and shipped to leaders here in the Colonies, providing proof of his death. We have, as Native Americans, endured more suffering than any other peoples of the earth. And yet, we survive the acts of genocide still being  practiced by the United States Government. They no longer give us blankets with small pox. Now, they provide Native Americans living on reservations with government subsidies of foods that create diabetes! Diabetes causes premature death to all that have it. Please write your local congressman, congresswoman or senator complaining about the treatment of Native Americans on reservations! Not all Native Americans are in control of their future. Those of us that are in control of our future, need to rebel against the treatment of our native brothers and sisters! One voice changes little! Many loud voices have the reality of changing status quo! Please, if you have a shred of decency and honor about you. Please do what ever you can do to help the natives that need us!

Edward Broken Feather

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe Pow-Wow

Hi Everbody!

This past weekend I was a vendor at a pow-wow put on by the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe. I need to let everyone know, that follows my journal, that the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe made me feel welcomed, beyond a shadow of doubt. We were rained out on saturday, but sunday was sunny and we had a good attendance. I'm proud to represent One Spirit and the Lakota Sioux people of Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River Reservations. My efforts this weekend, will provide heat this winter for 6 families, through a rough South Dakota winter. But, we still need to do more for our brothers and sisters on the reservation. Please if you're reading this, go to and help in any way that you can. A  $1.00 donation will buy $3.00 worth of life sustaining food for a family in dire straits. PLEASE HELP!

I Love You All !

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mohawk Chronicles

Having spent the better portion of the last 12 to 15 years researching my families history, I came across the following website that offered a glimpse into some of my families geneology. If you have an interest in Mohawk History, you'll love the information provided here.

                             The Mohawk Chronicles

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fast Food Genocide!

I'm absolutely agahst about the way all chain restaurants are not paying attention to quality, healthy foods on their menu's! This is simply a form of genocide on their behalf, and  looking to grab our wallets, for all they can, without a care in the world about our health. It would please me greatly to have the United States government shut down all chain restaurants, including McDonald's! Not one of the popular fast food restaurants serves quality, healthy food! People. people, people, what are we thinking! All restaurant offered food is loaded with saturated fats, and extremely high sodium content.  Factors which end our lives prematurely! We wonder why we have an obesity problem in this country with our children! It's because of the fast foods we offer them on a continuing basis! In today's world, kids play video games on their computers or on their I-Pods and get very little exercise. When I was a kid, I was told to go find something outside to occupy my time! It usually involved a sport, which created a release of energy, that offset any of the foods I'd eaten during the day! Fast food is like the warning on a pack of cigarette's. We know it'll eventually kill us, but nobody cares. until it's too late! Are adults so involved with their day to day agenda's to really care about what they're doing to their children? I concider FAST FOOD to be legalized Genocide in it's most quickest form!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Updated Pow-Wow Schedule

As of today. August 15th, the following is my schedule of confirmed pow-wow's that I'll be attending as a representative of One Spirit and the Oglala Lakota Sioux from Pine Ridge and Cheyenne river Reservations!



September 20-21st.

Circle of Wisdom Metis Pow-Wow

Chase Farm, Breakneck Hill Rd, Lincoln. RI


October 4-5th.

Dighton Council Oak, 18th. Annual Pow-Wow

Behind Dighton Town Hall, Rte 138, Dighton, MA


I'm awaiting confirmation to the Wolf Den Pow-Wow, held on October 18-19th at Wolf Den Campground in Pomfret Center, CT.

Other confirmations will be posted as they are received! Looking forward to seeing you at these pow-wow's!

Edward Broken Feather

Monday, June 30, 2008

It's Official............

Hi folks,

It's official, I've been OK'd to be the New England represenative for One Spirit, and the Lakota Sioux Artisans of the Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River Reservations. For the remainder of the New England Pow-Wow season, I'll be vending hand crafted items by Lakota Sioux artisans! 10 % of the total sales will go to One Spirit, while 90% will go directly back to the Lakota people. I'm incredably excited about helping to raise such badly need revenue for the Lakota people!  My first pow-wow for vending is in two weeks, at the Dighton Intertribal Council, held behind the Somerset High School, just off route 138, in Somerset, MA.

I learned last week that John DuBray has received a $100,000.00 grant to build a cultural center, which will, among other things, hold a computer learning center for the children in Pass Creek! I'm so excited for John, because I know how hard he's worked for the children on the reservation! There are sooooo many thing that are coming together to make things better on Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River reservations. I need to take the opportunity to thank the people that have helped me collect badly needed items, which have been sent to, the appropriate people on the reservations, including John DuBray!

Important programs that need our attention, is the need to provide more heaters to homes on the reservation for the coming winter season. Also, funds are need to help purchase computers for the new, soon to be built, Cultural Center. These needed funds, have to be raised quickly, so that heaters can be purchased and delivered, before cold weather sets in.

If you have a means to help us on our quest to help the Lakota people, please, please, please, contact me at or visit .

Clean clothing, generic medicine's, health and beauty aids, art supplies, shoes and boots are desperately needed! Things we take for granted, are items that are greatly treasured by the Lakota on the reservation. It's time to help balance how native people are treated. Each and everyone of us can and must make a difference in the life of a Lakota. Please, volunteer, donate badly need funds or step up to the plate and assist us in a way that you're comfortable with!


Saturday, June 28, 2008

The First Gift from Creator was Love...

the Second was a Child.


The children are our most precious gifts from Creator they are the future so
treat them well. Show them good ways to live and respect our Mother the
Earth. Teach them to respect life in all ways and listen to the elders who
share the wisdom of life.

Monday, April 21, 2008

KIVA, Loans that change lives!

KIVA, Loans that change lives!



Becoming a Loaner at Kiva has changed my life dramatically! Visually seeing how other people in third world country's live can be emotionally draining. Many of these individuals live life on a day to day basis in most instances. The mere sum of $100 can change their life dramatically! And, in many instances it does! Click on the above link and see for yourself what $25.00 can accomplish for a deserving person of your choosing. KIVA allows people like you and me to make $25.00 loans directly to low-income entrepreneurs of your choosing in the developing world. You help to provide affordable working capital, empowering them to earn their way out of poverty. Your loan is then repaid as their business succeeds.

Check out the people Renee and I have loaned to. Every one of these loan recipients has become a part of our extended family. Renee and I are vested in these peoples lives. We wish them great health and huge success in their business ventures.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Dave Walks Like A Bear's Wake

April 5, 2008


Today, I attended the wake of a native friend, who's name was Dave, Walks Like A Bear. I'd only known Dave for about 2 and a half years. Dave was a quiet soul, and very likable, once you took the opportunity to be in his presence. He was avoided by many people because of his dress. He certainly wasn't a well dressed man, but Dave was a genuinely nice man. I never heard Dave talk bad about anybody, and I never heard him swear or cuss! He loved to walk about local pow-wow's passing out comic strip cuts about native americans! Many people experianced Dave's good nature, but didn't really try to know the man. They will never know what a great, loving, huge hearted man Dave was. Dave, I already miss you tremendously, it's not often that a person encounters a genuine RED ROAD Native American.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tell Them How You Really Feel!

Hi Folks!

If you're following my journal, you should be aware that I'm at odds with the US Government's treatment of Native Americans! If you agree with my accessment of the current situation on Native American Reservations you can help my negative advocacy towards the Committee on Indian Affairs, within the United States Senate by e-mailing them @ or you can send a snail mail to them @

Committee on Indian Affairs

 United States Senate

 838 Hart Office Building

 Washington, DC


Please don't hold back in your comments to these people that are truly hurting the advancement of Native Americans! I need your support and millions of our brothers and sisters are depending on us to change how the US Government treats Native Americans!I ask you for your support and pray to the Creator that negatives things will come to pass!

Edward Curtis Chandler  (Broken Feather)

Haudenosaunee Metis Elder

Blackstone, Massachusetts

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River Reservations in South Dakota

Another Native American Tribe in desperate need of human intervention is the Lakota/Sioux people living on the Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River Reservations, in South Dakota.
I'm appalled at the conditions that these Native Americans live under. There are national organizations that contribute funds to these Native American Tribes and reservations, but most funding goes into trying to design and impliment programs that'll build the infrastructure of the reservations. Individuals never see any direct financial benefit from these contributions! There are so many needs within the Native American community that tug on my heart strings, that I wonder where the focus of the world is headed? Most americans either don't know about the problems facing Native American families, or they know and simply don't care!
I concider myself fortunate, as a Native American Haudenosaunee (Mohawk)Metis, to have always been gainfully employed. I've lived a trememdously wonderful life, enjoying all of lifes riches and now place myself in the position to assist other native americans in real need of assistance. I owe this to my ancestors and my present family structure. I simply couldn't live with myself, if I didn't make dire and sincere gestures to help my fellow Native Americans.
If you are reading this journal, I hope you take the time to share this information with your friends and family. Anything that you can do to help, will be gratefully appreciated. The Lakota/Sioux people are very proud, but desperately in need of our help! Click on the above link and see for yourself how you can help.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wounded Pony's Passing

On January 11th. the New England Native American community lost the leader and Chief of the Rhode Island Abenaki Council. I'm truly stunned at Wounded Pony's passing to the Spirit World today. To me, he was a new found friend over the past two pow-wow seasons. I admired him for his Master of Ceremony's abilities, his willingness to help anyone, and certainly for his continued humor about everday events. Just being in Pony's presence brought about a sense of strength, that I personnally found uncanny. He certainly was a power to be dealt with, here in Southeastern New England, He was a true and genuine leader by his actions, his silence and his words! I offer my most sincere condolence to his wife Cynthia, his sons and his daughter. I pray that the Creator provides them with the strength to endure, during this trying time in their lives. Rarely do you encounter a person that has the ability to make such an impact on your life, as did Pony. But, he certainly impacted my life in a genuine and sincere way. Wounded Pony, please know that I sincerely miss you and that I'll never ever forget you!