Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fast Food Genocide!

I'm absolutely agahst about the way all chain restaurants are not paying attention to quality, healthy foods on their menu's! This is simply a form of genocide on their behalf, and  looking to grab our wallets, for all they can, without a care in the world about our health. It would please me greatly to have the United States government shut down all chain restaurants, including McDonald's! Not one of the popular fast food restaurants serves quality, healthy food! People. people, people, what are we thinking! All restaurant offered food is loaded with saturated fats, and extremely high sodium content.  Factors which end our lives prematurely! We wonder why we have an obesity problem in this country with our children! It's because of the fast foods we offer them on a continuing basis! In today's world, kids play video games on their computers or on their I-Pods and get very little exercise. When I was a kid, I was told to go find something outside to occupy my time! It usually involved a sport, which created a release of energy, that offset any of the foods I'd eaten during the day! Fast food is like the warning on a pack of cigarette's. We know it'll eventually kill us, but nobody cares. until it's too late! Are adults so involved with their day to day agenda's to really care about what they're doing to their children? I concider FAST FOOD to be legalized Genocide in it's most quickest form!

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