Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wounded Pony's Passing

On January 11th. the New England Native American community lost the leader and Chief of the Rhode Island Abenaki Council. I'm truly stunned at Wounded Pony's passing to the Spirit World today. To me, he was a new found friend over the past two pow-wow seasons. I admired him for his Master of Ceremony's abilities, his willingness to help anyone, and certainly for his continued humor about everday events. Just being in Pony's presence brought about a sense of strength, that I personnally found uncanny. He certainly was a power to be dealt with, here in Southeastern New England, He was a true and genuine leader by his actions, his silence and his words! I offer my most sincere condolence to his wife Cynthia, his sons and his daughter. I pray that the Creator provides them with the strength to endure, during this trying time in their lives. Rarely do you encounter a person that has the ability to make such an impact on your life, as did Pony. But, he certainly impacted my life in a genuine and sincere way. Wounded Pony, please know that I sincerely miss you and that I'll never ever forget you!

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