Saturday, December 20, 2008

Iroquois Faithkeeper....

Today, I received a e-mail from a Chief that I met at the Wolf Den Pow-Wow in Pomfret Center, CT. He was visiting with a vendor named David Littletree. David is Onondaga and Mohawk and we have know each other for about 2 1/2 years. Once I was told that David had his Chief in attendence, I made it an issue for me to approach this Chief and tell him that I was truly honored to be in his presence and that I was third generation Canadian Mohawk, living in the States. We had general conversation for perhaps half an hour, and I returned to my vending booth.

The Chief that I had the opportunity to walk among and talk to, was none other than OREN LYONS! But, I didn't know that at the time. Oren, is a world renown Onondaga Chief and Faith Keeper in the Iroquois Nation.

In his e-mail. he said to me that he enjoyed our meeting and noted my sincerity in my heritage. He continued by saying that the future of the Iroquois people was dependant on people like me. I'm in awe that this great, world renown Native American Onondaga Chief has acknowledged me. for who I am and what I represent.

I certainly do have alot to evaluate during my trek into the wilderness in a few days! I need the guidence of Creator more now than ever.

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