Friday, September 5, 2008


Today,  I walked, what I consider to be, hallowed ground of the Wampanoag Nation. I walked the streets of Plimouth, Massachusetts. I walked the ground where Samoset met the Puritans. I walked the ground that King Philip stood upon and defied the ever growing threat to his people by the Pilgrims. Today, I stood at a monument, that told me King Philip was murdered and beheaded. With his head being impaled and displayed for over 20 years. Meanwhile, One of his hands was severed and shipped to England, while the other was also severed and shipped to leaders here in the Colonies, providing proof of his death. We have, as Native Americans, endured more suffering than any other peoples of the earth. And yet, we survive the acts of genocide still being  practiced by the United States Government. They no longer give us blankets with small pox. Now, they provide Native Americans living on reservations with government subsidies of foods that create diabetes! Diabetes causes premature death to all that have it. Please write your local congressman, congresswoman or senator complaining about the treatment of Native Americans on reservations! Not all Native Americans are in control of their future. Those of us that are in control of our future, need to rebel against the treatment of our native brothers and sisters! One voice changes little! Many loud voices have the reality of changing status quo! Please, if you have a shred of decency and honor about you. Please do what ever you can do to help the natives that need us!

Edward Broken Feather

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