Friday, November 28, 2008

Leonard Peltier

The following is an article copied from the Rapid City, SD newspaper. I truly believe that Leonard has been framed by the FBI. I send Leonard a birthday card every year, wishing him the peace and tranquility he deserves! I want to see Leonard a free man, walking on Pine Ridge Reservation lands that he so dearly loves! Story:

Dozens gather to support Peltier at Fargo courthouseFARGO, N.D. -- Dozens of Leonard Peltier's supporters gathered on Friday front of the federal courthouse in Fargo, where he was convicted more than 30 years ago in the execution-style killings of two federal agents. Carrying signs that read, "Don't let Leonard die in prison," and "Peltier is innocent, FBI is guilty," the group heard from Peltier's sister, Betty Ann Peltier-Solano, who read a letter from her brother.For more of this story, click on or type the URL below:

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