Thursday, January 8, 2009

Moose Mountain Retreat.........

Hi Everyone!

For those of you close to my activities, you know I spent from December 23, to January 2 in the mountains of New Hampshire, on a sort of Spiritual Retreat. I usually try to spend Thanksgiving Week and Christmas time through the New Year in the mountains. Some people go to church, mosque, temple or other places of worship to share their life with their God. I choose to walk the wilderness, that Creator, created. The closest I ever feel to my Creator is in the wilderness. The wilderness is alive with all living things and since I believe we are one in spirit, it is also a time for me to talk with and give thanks to, the Great Mystery.

I'd had originally planned to start my mountain journey on Christmas Eve Day, but just couldn't wait. I left on tuesday the 23rd. After a almost 3 hour ride, I arrived at Moose Mountain. Getting out of my wagon, a cold breeze slapped my face and I felt happy to be alive. Packing my goods on the sled that I would drag into the woods from a waist belt and ropes, I had this sense of joy. After dressing properly for my trek and stowing all my gear on the sled, I then put on my snow shoes and proceeded into the woods, sled in tow. I was able to walk atop the two plus feet of snow beneath my feet easily as the snow cap was frozen. My real sense of concern came when I approached the very steep 300 foot decline into the revine where my long house is. With the snow pack so frozen, attempting to go down the slope on snow shoes could have become a real problem. With that in mind, I took off the snow shoes and made the descent, digging my boots into the snow pack. At the bottom, I paused for a moment to catch my breath, admire my accomplishment, and put my snow shoes back on.
Within a half hour I was at the long house. First order of events was to light a fire in the wood stove and unpack my gear. I hadn't brought any food, except for coffee, sugar and creamora. So food was my next train of thought. I stoked the small wood stove, grabbed my shotgun and off I went in persuit of something to eat.
Well, I never did spot anything to shoot at, but I returned to base camp with a lot of bull rushes/cat o nine tails, and a whole lot of teaberry's! The rushes can be eaten raw, peeled and boiled, or fried like potatoes! So rushes it was, with teaberry's for desert. It's going to be a GOOD week! The stream ( Jones's Brook ) that runs all year round was crackling as the ice on the banks broke away and flowed down stream. The stream isn't but 15 feet from the front entrance to the long house and seemed to sing and talk to me all evening! I could live here forever! I simply feel 20 years younger being here. This will be my first attempt to document my stay on the mountain, since I started coming here more than 23 years ago. I originally purchased this 150 acre mountain paradise for a woman that I loved deeply, after she had left me. For years and years I hope she would see her error and return to make us complete. But alas! For me now, this is simply a Spiritual experiance and it has been, since I began to follow my Native ways. It is a time for me to walk in the Wilderness Cathederal , that Creator has created for those lucky enough to recognize it as such! I do not know if I am special, but I do know that I'm blessed to recognize and appreciate the experiance! Another stoking of the stove and I will turn in for the night. My sleeping bag is rated to 25 degrees below zero, so I know I will sleep comfortable.

It is now the 24th and early morning I think, but I'm not sure, because I'm taking very strong medications for my 5 broken ribs.I left my cell phone in my wagon and I don't normally wear a watch, so I'll assume it's the morning of the 24th. I have relit the wood stove and will get some water from the stream for coffee. I need to go exploring my property later in the morning to see what Mother Nature has changed and created. My chest is causing extreme pain and the morphine and codine drugs I have been prescribed are becoming more attractive, but they take me to lala land which isn't wise here in the extreme wilderness.

I've traveled high on the mountain. I think it's Christmas Day, but I'm not sure. I have discovered an oak tree loaded with acorns and spent about an hour collecting them. My ribs hurt so bad, I had the fear of passing out at any moment. I think I will try to cut the recommended medication to half doses to maintain some sense of sanity and awareness, but address the pain. I talk to Creator every single moment of my time on the mountain. After all I am a visitor to his wilderness creation.

I think it is sunday, it's light but overcast with rain showers. I have the coffee water on the wood stove and after many boilings, I've turned the acorns into a sort of paste for frying in a pan as griddle cakes. I've mashed some scarce blueberries I found, for a topping on the griddle cakes. Life in general is good, now if I could get my health back, I'd really be living the life of Reilly!

I went back up on the mountain today looking for snow shoe rabbit, and of all things, I slipped and fell crossing a stone wall on my descent. I hit my ribs falling and I passed out. When I awoke it was dark out. I got myself off the stone wall and made myself as comfortable as possible for my night's stay on the mountain. When I awoke it was daylight. Not knowing what time it actually was I started my trek down the mountain to the long house. It seemed I walked for hours and I probably did. When I reached Jone's Brook, it was just a question of how far I was upstream from camp. Another long trek and finally the longhouse was in sight.
First order of the day was to start a fire, and get some water for coffee. I was so tired and sore that I layed down atop my sleeping bag and dozed off. When I woke up, the fire was out, and the coffee water was cold. By now, I was hungry, so I relit the fire and prepared some cat o nine tails for cooking. My left chest really hurts, so I've made the decision to take one of the codine pills and hope for the best.

It's a new day but I don't know which day it is. I had the strangest terrible dream last night.(maybe drugged induced, because I never dream), I dreamed that it was the year 2010 and the United States was at war on our own homeland. I was a fighter in a homeland militia and armed with several weapons that were not government issue. I was fighting, but I didn't know who I was fighting against. There was much confusion and carnage everywhere. This dream was so vivid and real that I remembered every moment of it. I think that it was some kind of a civil war, started by blacks rioting after the assassination of President Obama by Arabs Terriorist's! During this trying time, the Country of Iran bombed Israel with more than one nuclear bomb. Israel inturn unleashes hundreds of nuclear bombs on Iran and Syria. The entire world is in turmoil and International relations are at their worst in hundreds of years! And then I wake up! I'm really rattled by this dream and will have to re-evaluate how I look at the near future!

A couple of days have past and I have stayed near base camp. My food supply is ok and my ribs are seemingly less painful. I have received mental messages that the coming year will be full of demands of my time. That many people will seek me out for my thoughts on agenda's important to them. I will also be asked to increase my attention to causes that attract my sense of equality. My health seems to be of importance, to the people attached to my mission assisting those in need.

While here on the mountain, I have had an open dialogue with Creator. I begin my day with talks to Creator and continue to talk to Creator through out the day. The Great Mystery sometimes answers me, but in un-obvious ways! It's OK by me because I know my faith in Creator will not wane! Creator has NEVER EVER failed me, in my mission to help my fellow man!

I will leave the mountain soon, which is in itself, a source of energy, faith, spirituality, and love in my life. On the mountain, I survive, due to my ancestral roots and my admiration for my ancestors, where I strive to live up to their expectations.

I'll forge forward into the new year with a positive message of healing and unity and hope people will adhere to this message I send to all. To all that read this blog, please know I love you!

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