Monday, February 2, 2009

Making the world a better place!

Hi Everyone,

I'd like for you to meet Zenaida, a 20 year old single mother of one child. She sells groceries at home, in Pantipampa, two hours away from the city of Ayacucho, Peru. She also cultivates potatoes in her land, which she then sells at the markets in the city of Lima. Finally, she breeds animals.

Thru KIVA, she has applied for a loan for 3000 soles, which she will invest in the purchase of rice, sugar, oil, candies, sodas and beer.

Zenaida’s dreams are to buy a house in Ayacucho, improve her business and provide her daughter with a good education.

This young woman, is one of the many women in third world countries, that I have focused my philanthropy towards. I look for women, that are raising children, but also contributing to the family's finances. In the real world, this young lady, doesn't have any vital assets, nor past credit, to be able to go to a bank for a loan. Thru KIVA and local MFI's, credit is available to women like Zenaida. Roughly 85% of the loans I'm involved with are to women. I'm pleased to say that the repayment of all my loans has been on time and in full. This allows me to refunnel the funds back into KIVA, funding new loans. I have loaned to women in Peru, Mexico, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Ghana, Iraq, Bolivia, Honduras, Philippines, Uganda, Paraguay, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Kenya, Togo, Nicgaragua, Equador, Ukraine to name a few.

My mentality is such, that I believe that it's in the best interest of humanity, to help raise the living standards in third world countries, especially among women. The financing they receive empowers them to better their lives. It tells them that people, somewhere on the earth, care about them enough to provide a loan.

I ask you to check out


Unknown said...

Hello! I'm glad to read your thoughts on international philanthropy--such an important thing! I thought you might be interested in another resource for giving. I work for UniversalGiving, an online non-profit designed to connect individuals to the best projects to donate to or volunteer with. Check us out at if you're curious.

Wishing you all the best,
Cheryl Mahoney

Broken Feather said...

Hi Cheryl,

Thank you for your comment on my attempt to help women in third world countries. Besides KIVA, I'm deeply involved with another organization called One Spirit who's goal is to help make the Oglala Lakota Sioux at Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, become self sufficient. Since I'm Native American, this cause is near and dear to my heart.

I wish you well in you endevours to assist people worldwide that are not as fortunate as most Americans.


Edward Broken Feather