Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Do You Think?

The Decaying of America........
There isn't a day that goes by, where I don't read about, out of the blue, suicide's taking place across America! My gut feeling is that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The present decaying of America, has been brought about by the greed and lunge for power, by banking corporations, insurance company's and wall street brokers. Why aren't these lowlife vultures being brought before the court system, for Treason to the American people? Instead, Congress and others in Washington, DC decide to offer billions, and perhaps trillions, before they're through, to bail out these ruthless bastards that sold out America! This country is in the midst of a total and unrelenting breakdown, that's going to last for years to come! People are losing their jobs, having forclosures by banks on their homes, and having their automobiles reposessed. These everyday americans are struggling to come to grips, with where the money is going to come from, to pay their bills! When all thought and efforts hit a stone wall, there's going to be a mass suicide take place, that is going to make the average american shudder in horror! One meal a day may become the norm for average americans. I still believe that america is on the brink of a blue collar armed rebellion, that's going to make the civil war look like a birthday party! There is a price to be paid by a nation that has flaunted their wealth and power for too many decades! With the Pakistani government making a truce with the Taliban, how long do you really think its going to take before the Taliban, overtakes the Pakistani government and their nuclear weapons! The Taliban wouldn't think for two seconds about using nuclear weapons on the free world. Food, medicine and weapons are going to become more important than stock and bonds! You can't eat gold, silver and hard currency! The world is in a place that it's never before faced. Adapting to the new world conditions will be the hardest thing american's have ever had to do. Not all will adapt, make no mistake, suicides will abound! This is not a doomsday prophecy, just my thoughts about what I see happening in the world in general. What do you think?
Posted by Broken Feather at 12:57 PM

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