Monday, September 15, 2008


Hi Everybody!

Shortly after hurricane Katrina, I was watching a TV news program, that had a very obese woman, screaming and crying out that she was hungry and hadn't eaten in over a day! The sad part of events taken part that day was that the woman was standing beside a plant that was life sustaining! She was standing beside a plant that would have provided her with life sustaining substanance!

That was then, this is now! In todays enviroment, banks are failing, people are losing their jobs, the price of gasoline is out of control, home forclosures are at an all time high and who knows what else is going to rob you and your family of a decent living! I strongly recommend that everybody go to their local book store and obtain a copy of Bradford Angiers's Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants. Ya, I know this seems like a crazy request, but what do ya do if all else fails and you find yourself out of work, with unemployment benefits expired and no future in sight? You still need to eat,  and this book will provide you with the basic's of survivalism!  I live off of mother earth and this book is my bible! I love to forage for wilderness edible's and the bounty that I get for my effort is based on my searching for them! Mother Earth never did design people to starve to death. If you know what your're looking for, wilderness edibles are everywhere! Before mega marts, our ancestors lived off of the earth and the food stuffs provided by mother earth!  Now is the time to relearn your roots and living well with mother earth! the bottom line is this, Wilderness Edibles Are Free and Everywhere!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ed, Thanks for the heads up about The Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants.  I recently purchased a copy and am delighted with it.  Hopefully it will help to supliment our diet in times to come.  Looking for food to eat in my own backyard will be fun as well as help us with our own grocery bills.

Elizabeth Williams