Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River Reservations in South Dakota

Another Native American Tribe in desperate need of human intervention is the Lakota/Sioux people living on the Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River Reservations, in South Dakota.
I'm appalled at the conditions that these Native Americans live under. There are national organizations that contribute funds to these Native American Tribes and reservations, but most funding goes into trying to design and impliment programs that'll build the infrastructure of the reservations. Individuals never see any direct financial benefit from these contributions! There are so many needs within the Native American community that tug on my heart strings, that I wonder where the focus of the world is headed? Most americans either don't know about the problems facing Native American families, or they know and simply don't care!
I concider myself fortunate, as a Native American Haudenosaunee (Mohawk)Metis, to have always been gainfully employed. I've lived a trememdously wonderful life, enjoying all of lifes riches and now place myself in the position to assist other native americans in real need of assistance. I owe this to my ancestors and my present family structure. I simply couldn't live with myself, if I didn't make dire and sincere gestures to help my fellow Native Americans.
If you are reading this journal, I hope you take the time to share this information with your friends and family. Anything that you can do to help, will be gratefully appreciated. The Lakota/Sioux people are very proud, but desperately in need of our help! Click on the above link and see for yourself how you can help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kwai Brokenfeather,
I love your site, you speak great words of wisdom and iform the public with such passion. I am proud to call you my brother. Keep up the great work.