Thursday, October 30, 2008

For the 2008 pow-wow season I've displayed beadwork from one specific woman at Pine Ridge. Her name is Francine Janis. She lives with her husband Chester Sitting Bear and their 3 children. Tiffany, Brenda and Casey. She is always thanking me for selling her work. I recently commissioned her husband, (who's a master beader) to make a Medallion for me, which will become a part of my regalia. I'll post a picture of it once I receive it, to show off Chester's expertise at bead work. I'm told it'll be ready for shipping next week. In todays mail I got a very tiny envelope from "Francine. Inside, written very neatly, was a hand written message thanking me for buying the medallion. Francine also included a beautiful family portrait, which is a very special gesture to me. I'm truly honored to get this picture and I'm greatful for doing what little I can to make their life a little easier. You can be certain that I'll be posting more about Francine, Chester and their Family!

Wishing all of you, great health, financial wealth and prosperity!

Broken Feather

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Best Pow-Wow This Season!

Hi folks,

I vended at the Wolf Den Pow-Wow in Pomfret, Ct. this past weekend, and I can say with certainty that it was the best pow-wow of the season. I was able to generate $687.00 for the One Spirit Heater Program. That's 13 heaters! When I emailed Jeri Baker, the Director of One Spirit, how much I raised, she didn't e-mail me back, she called me on the phone! We talked for half an hour about raising funds for the Lakota.

Jeri and I are pretty much against charity, where people give and them pat themselves on the back for doing so. The heaters are charity, but at some point, there won't be a need for heaters, and we can get back to other items of the Lakota becoming self-sufficient. By my vending, I act as a outlet for a couple on Lakota Artists at Pine Ridge. I provide a fair market atmosphere for their goods. I'm very proud to display and sell their beadwork and artwork! It's a pretty good feeling to know I'm a agent for them and that they depend on me to represent them.

One more show to do the weekend before Thanksgiving. It's at Plymouth, MA with 9 other Native Americans. We'll be dressed in Native Regalia and allowed to vend our wares. The tourists like to watch "The Indians" and often spend large sums of money with us. It's almost a tourist attraction itself.
More Later.......

Broken Feather

Monday, October 13, 2008

Larry, Moe & Shirley

You've all seen the picture I had posted of Larry, Moe & Shirley on my AOL Journal.

Well here's another picture taken of them on their feeding station, just outside my Iroquois Long House, on Moose Mountain in Brookfield, NH. They were free to roam without harnesses, but always came running back to me when they heard a strange sound or noise. Notice the half eaten apple to the right. I use to love giving them all kinds of fruits and veggies. They especially loved apples and corn on the cob!

Wolf Den Pow-Wow is on! YAHOO !!!!!!!

I got word today that I've been invited to vend at Wolf's Den Pow-Wow in Pomfret, CT this coming weekend.

I'm really excited about this, because it gives me another chance at raising more funds for One Spirit's Heater Fund, for the Lakota Sioux.

I got word from Jeri Baker, that it snowed @ Pine Ridge this past week! So, the Lakota are starting to worry about the coming winter. Which puts an even greater significance to raising money for the heater fund.

Say a prayer for me that I do well with sales!

Broken Feather

Friday, October 10, 2008

New to

Hi Everyone!

I just switched my AOL Journal to Blogspot and I'm experiancing how to get thinks done here. For some reason, alot of my posted pictures didn't transfer from AOL, so I'm going to try reposting them, along with some others.

I talk about my daughter Renee and my grandchildren Neiko (who is 7) and Kyra who is (4 1/2). So here's a updated picture of them. Everyone comments that Kyra is a spitting image of Jodie Foster, the movie star. What do you think?