Saturday, September 27, 2008

Joseph Brant, Mohawk Leader

Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea), Mohawk

"Our wise men are called Fathers, and they truly sustain that character. Do you call yourselves Christians? Does the religion of Him who you call your Savior inspire your spirit, and guide your practices? Surely not.

It is recorded of him that a bruised reed he never broke. Cease then to call yourselves Christians, lest you declare to the world your hypocrisy. Cease too to call other nations savage, when you are tenfold more the children of cruelty than they.

No person among us desires any other reward for performing a brave and worthwhile action, but the consciousness of having served his nation.

I bow to no man for I am considered a prince among my own people. But I will gladly shake your hand."

Joseph Brant to King George III

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One Spirit's New Blog.........

Today, September 13rd., 2008,  One Spirit  Began a online blog:  with the hopes of reaching and holding more peoples attention about the Lakota Sioux peoples living at Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River reservations. We are in the process of recruiting people on the reservations to act as informers, so that this blog will, hopefully be a daily source of up to date news! We hope to have this blog fully up and running within the next few weeks.

We're also looking to get more people and organizations involved. School room classes, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and the like. Perhaps the schools or scouts during the course of the year, will get involved, by adopting a child, elder or even an entire family. Do you know of any organization's looking for a PET project? If so, please have them contact me or send them directly to Jeri Baker at One Spirit. Remember One Spirit is a 501 (c) 3 tax exempt organization. Any funds donated to One Spirit, are completely and legally tax deductible.

Please join with us in spreading the word of this blog about the Lakota Sioux people!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Hi Everybody!

Shortly after hurricane Katrina, I was watching a TV news program, that had a very obese woman, screaming and crying out that she was hungry and hadn't eaten in over a day! The sad part of events taken part that day was that the woman was standing beside a plant that was life sustaining! She was standing beside a plant that would have provided her with life sustaining substanance!

That was then, this is now! In todays enviroment, banks are failing, people are losing their jobs, the price of gasoline is out of control, home forclosures are at an all time high and who knows what else is going to rob you and your family of a decent living! I strongly recommend that everybody go to their local book store and obtain a copy of Bradford Angiers's Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants. Ya, I know this seems like a crazy request, but what do ya do if all else fails and you find yourself out of work, with unemployment benefits expired and no future in sight? You still need to eat,  and this book will provide you with the basic's of survivalism!  I live off of mother earth and this book is my bible! I love to forage for wilderness edible's and the bounty that I get for my effort is based on my searching for them! Mother Earth never did design people to starve to death. If you know what your're looking for, wilderness edibles are everywhere! Before mega marts, our ancestors lived off of the earth and the food stuffs provided by mother earth!  Now is the time to relearn your roots and living well with mother earth! the bottom line is this, Wilderness Edibles Are Free and Everywhere!


Friday, September 5, 2008


Today,  I walked, what I consider to be, hallowed ground of the Wampanoag Nation. I walked the streets of Plimouth, Massachusetts. I walked the ground where Samoset met the Puritans. I walked the ground that King Philip stood upon and defied the ever growing threat to his people by the Pilgrims. Today, I stood at a monument, that told me King Philip was murdered and beheaded. With his head being impaled and displayed for over 20 years. Meanwhile, One of his hands was severed and shipped to England, while the other was also severed and shipped to leaders here in the Colonies, providing proof of his death. We have, as Native Americans, endured more suffering than any other peoples of the earth. And yet, we survive the acts of genocide still being  practiced by the United States Government. They no longer give us blankets with small pox. Now, they provide Native Americans living on reservations with government subsidies of foods that create diabetes! Diabetes causes premature death to all that have it. Please write your local congressman, congresswoman or senator complaining about the treatment of Native Americans on reservations! Not all Native Americans are in control of their future. Those of us that are in control of our future, need to rebel against the treatment of our native brothers and sisters! One voice changes little! Many loud voices have the reality of changing status quo! Please, if you have a shred of decency and honor about you. Please do what ever you can do to help the natives that need us!

Edward Broken Feather

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe Pow-Wow

Hi Everbody!

This past weekend I was a vendor at a pow-wow put on by the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe. I need to let everyone know, that follows my journal, that the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe made me feel welcomed, beyond a shadow of doubt. We were rained out on saturday, but sunday was sunny and we had a good attendance. I'm proud to represent One Spirit and the Lakota Sioux people of Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River Reservations. My efforts this weekend, will provide heat this winter for 6 families, through a rough South Dakota winter. But, we still need to do more for our brothers and sisters on the reservation. Please if you're reading this, go to and help in any way that you can. A  $1.00 donation will buy $3.00 worth of life sustaining food for a family in dire straits. PLEASE HELP!

I Love You All !