Monday, August 6, 2007


I need to take the time to acknowledge my long time presence on AOL's Homesteading Board. I actually use to be a part of the survivalism board, but AOL eliminated that board and blended it into the homesteading board! I have tremendously enjoyed sharing my lifestyle and commitment to the rural lifestyle, that includes, foraging for wild edibles, raising animals and my native american heritage! I have so many internet aquaintences, "Minnie", "LisaAlso, no longer in Singapore", "Karen Lane", "Bev", "Biherbs", and Tetravera. If I didn't mention your name, please don't feel slighted, I've simply forgotten. I concider myself to be the luckest man alive, to have been able to have done everything I've ever wanted to do in life! My one failure in life was my marriage! But, it generated my precious daughter Renee!  My many interests in life, and my ongoing business interests consume huge amounts of my time, but I'll always find time to return to the Homesteading Board. That lifestyle will always be my roots! I truly have a love affair with mother nature, which I guess derives from my native american heritage!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ed, I always enjoy your posts on the Homesteading board and on here.  The homesteading board has a lot of wonderful people who share information.  

You should gather together the information you have and write a book, Ed!