Monday, July 9, 2007

The more injustices I find against my native american bretheren, the more I'm impelled to rebel against the American Government! They give us Sovereign rights and rule and then they invade our reservations and reserves. They provide us with assisance that keep us in poverty, and they provide us with free food that causes premature death from heart attack and diabetes! We as Native Americans need to unite as one entity and pool our resources to create a united  front to beat back the US Government from our Sovereign Lands! We need to stop riding ponies against Abrams A1 Tanks expecting to win.  I'm just one native american that's fed up with the bullshit and promises of the US Govenment!  I'd like to see an alliance built to undertake the strengthening of our peoples!         Edited on 7-10-07  I'm reminded by a reader of this blog that war is never a good thing. And I agree, however, if there's 200 tribal councils, each one has it's own agenda! If those 200 tribal councils spoke with a united voice, perhaps, just perhaps, the US Government may sit up and take notice. Change is never an easy undertaking. Neither is altering one's ways to walk the Red Road!

Edward Broken Feather, Mohawk Metís Elder

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find your site to be very interesting. Truth hurts and I hope people understand and make adjustments to allow Native differences, health, religion, and our everyday lives. We have rights like everyone else, we are the only culture that has to prove who we are and fight to have our religion.
I wish you well and hope the world reads your blog.