Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Value of Native Corn Husk Dolls!

In Iroquois civilization , dolls are more than just playthings. Dolls play an important role within the Iroquois culture. Not only do they emulate traditional clothing and imitate roles people play in the community, they also serve as tools to pass on culture and values. The stories dolls hold include how they were crafted, who they were crafted by, and who or what they represent. What are the tales behind the faces of Native dolls? What lessons do they teach when they are passed to the next generation? Dolls were for young boys as well as young girls. The Iroquois culture made Corn Husk Dolls, that were so important, that many of them today, rest in Museums! The Dolls are recognized for their cultural contributions to the history of the Iroquois. So, the next time your eyes rest upon a Corn Husk Doll, do not pass it off as a insignificant toy or plaything! It has earned its place in Native American History.

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