Monday, June 30, 2008

It's Official............

Hi folks,

It's official, I've been OK'd to be the New England represenative for One Spirit, and the Lakota Sioux Artisans of the Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River Reservations. For the remainder of the New England Pow-Wow season, I'll be vending hand crafted items by Lakota Sioux artisans! 10 % of the total sales will go to One Spirit, while 90% will go directly back to the Lakota people. I'm incredably excited about helping to raise such badly need revenue for the Lakota people!  My first pow-wow for vending is in two weeks, at the Dighton Intertribal Council, held behind the Somerset High School, just off route 138, in Somerset, MA.

I learned last week that John DuBray has received a $100,000.00 grant to build a cultural center, which will, among other things, hold a computer learning center for the children in Pass Creek! I'm so excited for John, because I know how hard he's worked for the children on the reservation! There are sooooo many thing that are coming together to make things better on Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River reservations. I need to take the opportunity to thank the people that have helped me collect badly needed items, which have been sent to, the appropriate people on the reservations, including John DuBray!

Important programs that need our attention, is the need to provide more heaters to homes on the reservation for the coming winter season. Also, funds are need to help purchase computers for the new, soon to be built, Cultural Center. These needed funds, have to be raised quickly, so that heaters can be purchased and delivered, before cold weather sets in.

If you have a means to help us on our quest to help the Lakota people, please, please, please, contact me at or visit .

Clean clothing, generic medicine's, health and beauty aids, art supplies, shoes and boots are desperately needed! Things we take for granted, are items that are greatly treasured by the Lakota on the reservation. It's time to help balance how native people are treated. Each and everyone of us can and must make a difference in the life of a Lakota. Please, volunteer, donate badly need funds or step up to the plate and assist us in a way that you're comfortable with!


Saturday, June 28, 2008

The First Gift from Creator was Love...

the Second was a Child.


The children are our most precious gifts from Creator they are the future so
treat them well. Show them good ways to live and respect our Mother the
Earth. Teach them to respect life in all ways and listen to the elders who
share the wisdom of life.